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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
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The story begins a daughter with her mom.

They are striving to become that “her” ,they maintain a common proposition with AMTHYS PARIS, always pursuing the nature and beauty they want. Maintain a positive, happy and efficient life attitude.

Accompanying every girl to turn her ideal “she” into reality, having beauty and the independent ability to guard her beauty is the meaning of AMTHYS PARIS‘s existence!

KBS Beauty Skincare was first established by mother alone, and its main business is a beauty salon. Mother is very professional in beauty treatment skin with up to 13 years of experience.

After the daughter graduated from school, she joined her mother's company shortly after graduation. Through the tacit cooperation between mother and daughter to help enterprises transform from traditional beauty salons, combined online and offline to create AMTHYS PARIS skincare brand and establish KBS IDEAL SDN BHD.

AMTHYS PARIS resolves to Advance Methodology Young Solutions. It is our goal to bring a pleasant and effective skincare method for every beauty-loving person who is looking for an ideal look!


Freshly created Amthys Paris skincare collections.

Refine innovative spots thright constant research and development, supplement beauty secrets through superior natural components and modern scientific recipe, and keep unremittingly aspiring extreme beauty on holding professional high quality of the product.

Enjoy a truly pampering experience with a single application. Let's beauty together!